live streaming chicken cam

Hencam_millyYay, a link that fuels my chicken-obsession: – the UK’s best online live streaming chicken cam!

Definitely my link of the day, thanks to always resourceful BB!

3 Comments leave a comment below

  1. I LOVE THIS! I can’t turn it off — I’m waiting for the hens to wake up. Considering it’s only about 8:30 p.m. in England, I may be waiting a while!

  2. so funny…who would imagine watching hens could be so mesmerizing! I found myself thinking, “Wow what if they lay an egg while I’m watching?” And I grew up getting routinely attacked by chickens when I was collecting eggs, so it’s not like I even find them especially charming!

  3. Hi,

    Cheers for the kind words, just thought I’d let you know that thanks to all the good feedback and support we upgraded and tinkered with it so it’s even better quality now and it updates a lot faster too :)

