Free iPhone Toolbar Icons


Free iPhone Toolbar Icons by Glyphish. Yay!

(via andybons)

5 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Hi Tina,

    Sorry it’s not a comment related to iPhone that i like anyway :)

    I was just wondering how you make the shades on screenshot like this one above

    Thanks for you help

  2. in a mac Shift + Mac + 4 + Space, and in Photoshop put shadow on your screenshot :)

  3. People should be aware though that Apple is not down with graphic representations of Apple products. Word to the wise, if you are designing an iPhone application, including an image of say, an iPhone or iPod might result in Apple rejecting your app. I am all down for the best possible design, but it’s a legitimate consideration if you don’t want the hassle of changing your app later. See below article for more detail…

  4. thanks miss thats realy nice keep that geat work up.

  5. Thank you for showing the icons on here.
    I went to and am backing the project to have regular icons soon. Love the design