Default Folder X

Saw that Khoi loves this Default Folder X app that helps you save and find files faster. Fantastic!

4 Comments leave a comment below

  1. I love Default Folder, have been using it for years. One great feature it adds is the ability to delete files from open and save dialogs via contextual menus, a feature available in XP and probably the only feature I missed about that OS.

  2. I’ve been using it for many years too. I think Marian Bantjes recommended it on Speak Up a long time ago.

    The best feature, for me, is that if you press Option-Down Arrow you can go to the last location where you saved or opened a file, rather than have to find that location manually. It’s an amazing time saver, specially if you are working across different applications.

  3. I too have been using it for a while and can testify to its awesomeness. I know that I’m only using half the features and it’s still become second nature — I hate using Finder without it.

  4. I could not Live without Default Folder. Been using it since the 90s. Being able to “hover” over open Finder windows in the background and direct dialog boxes there with a click is the “killer app” aspect of this wonderful software. It should be built into OS X.