What can you teach me?


At today’s CreativeMornings I asked the question “What can you teach me?” Here are the answers in a flickr set. (These tags are meant to help break the ice and facilitate a conversation!)

So, what about you? What can you teach us?

21 Comments leave a comment below

  1. i can teach you to bake a vegan cupcake that will make you swoon.

  2. …how to design dildos.

  3. okay, i LOVE that idea!

    and i can teach you how to whitewater kayak.

  4. …Pittsburghese.

    These name tag ideas rock. I wish I could attend one of these.

  5. this morning was such a great learning experience for me! can’t wait for the next ones!

  6. I LOVE the idea! Have to go check the flickr set out too :-)

    I can teach you all anatomy!

  7. I can teach you how to play poker =)

  8. I can teach you playing the game of cricket.


  9. I can teach you how to drink a pint of Guinness while watching football.

    It’s not easy, but someone has to do it.

  10. I can teach you how to bake bread (it’s a lot easier than many people think).
    Great idea, these tags. I think I’ll try this at my workplace and see where it goes.

  11. I can teach you to knit. I can also teach you Spanish.

  12. I love this! I can teach you to throw a bowl on the potters wheel.

  13. Great!
    I can teach a lot of stuff- but I’ve just learned this.
    I’m going to use it with my students…

  14. I can teach you how to gut a squid.

  15. what a great idea…
    i can teach you how to cook a mean thai curry

  16. i can teach you how to play the didjeridoo :D

  17. I can’t believe I had to rack my brain so hard to come up with something that would be useful to others! :)

    I can teach you Google-Fu

  18. i can teach you have to have sex

  19. I can teach you how to be alone

  20. i can teach you how to swim even if i’m not a pro at it…

  21. I can teach you how to fly…just take my hand