Bobble | Water Bottle with Built In Filter

Have you ever gone completely gaga over a waterbottle? I did! I was given a Bobble and am loving it. What’s so cool about it? It has a built in water filter! So when you’re on the go you can just keep filling up your Bobble with regular tab water. No need to buy bottled water. Yay, right?

I have come across similar bottles before, but they were an offense to my aesthetics. Bobble looks fabulous! Its design is minimal, stylish and they come in a rainbow of colors. Bobble will be my new favorite gift!

swissmiss hearts Bobble.

34 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Nice! Want one of those!

  2. me love this

  3. I’m a fan of stainless steel bottles. Check out WaterGeeks.

    They offer tap or advanced filtration and a range of stylish colors.

  4. These look awesome. Went to buy one and after going through the check out process I realized that shipping just about doubles your order total. A bobble + extra filter was $16 and after shipping I was at $32. Seems a little high to me. I decided not to purchase. I emailed Bobble and hopefully they’ll lower shipping prices to a reasonable place soon. Or get their product in some local retail stores.

  5. I bought one and I love it. It was on backorder for almost a month so when it got to me I was very excited!

  6. You mean you didn’t drink tap water before? Must be a UK thing.

  7. I really like this one too. Same type of thing but more in the style of a french press.

    I love the idea of having a filter in a water bottle.

  8. Tap water doesn’t need to be filtered, for the most part it’s better than bottled water. Aquafina, for example, indicates on their bottle that one of their sources is the Detroit River.

  9. I got chopped on the last comment — from what I understand, tap water is processed more thoroughly than most bottled water.

    If you’re looking for a filter, you might want to consider Lifestraw or the equivalent.

  10. i love these!

    my friends at le grand cru are currently doing a giveaway for a bobble!!!

    enter one enter all!

  11. I really want to buy one of these but as the site is all flash, does anyone know where I can pick one up in the UK?

  12. I just received my watterBobble. I am totally loving it. I certainly will buy more as gifts! Wooohooo!

  13. I just bought two! I love it!!! What a great find!!

  14. Yes. Just like in switzerland. But we don’t need any filter.

    Just drink out of the tap. ;-)

  15. @Paul Blakeman


    All orders placed on this Site are subject to product availability. In the event that your order never arrives, notification of lost items must be received within 15 days from receipt of the order confirmation e-mail.

    All material is intended for use by and delivery to U.S. residents. Orders received from or for delivery to locations outside the United States will not be accepted nor shipped.”

    I live in the UK too… really want one/give them as gifts!

  16. I think the price is absurd, especially in the US (and most especially for people in NY which has some of the best tap water in the country!)

    After you buy the Bobble, it’s suggested that you change the filter every 2 months @ a cost of $9.95 (w/o shipping) per filter. So in the end, you are paying for bottled water, just not filling the landfill.

    Honestly, US tap water is delicious and healthy. It doesn’t contain the great minerals of Evian, but there are vitamins for that. It does keep your teeth in good shape thanks to fluoride.

    I have been refilling regular plastic water bottles for years. I put them in the dishwasher for a good cleaning and they are sanitized and ready to reuse. The best recycling possible and if I lose one, it isn’t expensive to replace.

  17. I would love this if I was travelling. Living in Boulder, a town where everyone has filters on their taps, I go for another super cool new water bottle on the market: a highly tempered glass waterbottle with a silicon sleeve. yum, no metallic taste!
    check them out here:

  18. Credit is owed to the designer. In this case, Karim Rashid.

  19. What a good idea I totally want one of these!

  20. ahhhhh these are awesome!

  21. Funnily enough I just finished watching this:

  22. I can’t find one here in Ar.

  23. Bobble’s website recently lowered their shipping down to $3.95, so they’re affordable now. The replacement filters are just $6.95, and need to be replaced every 2 months/200 fills. If you check back with them, they are working on getting in retail stores as well. Currently, go to and click on “Buy Now” in the righthand corner. Waiting for mine to come in now!

  24. 321 water seems to be much more expensive. Plus I love the organic shape and design of the Bobble a lot more! The different colored filters are a great marketing touch ala iPod nanos

  25. Love these! Ordered the six pack–even their packaging for shipping is awesome! Each of my children packs a bobble in their lunchbox for school and they’re perfect for taking to the gym!

  26. Believe me, I don’t want to bother anybody, but:

    Really clean drinking water is a major issue in our days. And inspite of the widespread misinformation it is not good at all.

    There are so many substances in it, which can, make you severely sick, at least on long term. Many metal and other toxins never get filtered out, the same with rests of medical wastes, which mostly return into the water cycle through our urine – Antibiotics, Antibaby Pills etc.
    Therefore the only filtersystem, are unfortunately our own bodies!!!

    To filter these out, you need an osmotic-filter! You need also to reenergize and remineralize the water than to get best quality drinking water.

    I don’t believe that the bobbles, nice indeed, can really provide good water in the necessary quality. But certainly, they are better than nothing.

    There are companies like Power Water Systems (Germany), who distribute 9 level osmotic-filter systems for your home. These are pretty expensive – approx. 2000.- Euro, but with them you get best drinking water…

    If you are more interested in the water issue, you can google f.e. for Dr. Vincent (France), Dr Batmanghelic (Iran/USA) and Dr(?) or Mr Yamamoto (Japan)…

    Nevertheless, I wish you all a good and healthy life!

  27. I would like to order 2 waterbobbles. Please give me instructions.

    LaVay Lau

  28. How long are you supposed to intermittently boil the filter in between that replacement time?

  29. Would want one of those. Waterbobble with filter. If I have one of those, I think I’ll be the only one who have that in the neighborhood.

  30. Interesting it is. Do they got a purple one? I’m sure to buy one if they it.

  31. They look great, but are a complete waste of money. There a many designflaws with this bottle. One of which is that water can pass directly to the mouthpiece, bypassing the filter altogether. When you squeeze the bottle more water actually passes around the filter than what is passed through the filter. So most of the water that comes out is not filtered at all!. Definitely not a good product. I’d stick with the uglier looking, but working alternatives that DO actually filter the water.

  32. very good article and like to read this articles again and again.