TeuxDeux Made Top 25

TeuxDeux, the simple, free To-Do application that my studiomates Cameron, Evan and I created was mentioned as one of the Top 25 Most Useful Websites by PCWorld.in.

13 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Congratulations Tina! Well deserved, I absolutely love TeuxDeux. Can’t wait for the release of the iPhone app :)

  2. Nice job! Please do release an iPhone app sometime soon. Can’t wait for that to happen!

  3. congrats!

    PS. the link on the picture isn’t linking up correctly :)

  4. Well deserved…I use TeuxDeux every day! Love it.

  5. Yeah when the iphone app arrive it will win the possition as my fav todotool

  6. I LOVE IT!!

  7. Hear Hear! A well-deserved award.
    It replaced my analog list, so I can verify just how well it works. I even convinced my partner to use it (and it’s hard to get her to change her mind on so many things haha)

  8. Brilliant, fully deserved!

    Now just waiting for a Blackberry app… please!

  9. super! herzliche glückwunsch!

  10. Congrats! It’s an awesome app.

  11. Congrats!!!

  12. Truly nice work.

    It’s a great utlity, and one that I’ve been using with great frustration for many months now. Why the frustration? Because it would rapidly shift from being ‘fantastic’ to being ‘the best thing ever’ by the addition of two things that I’ve been begging for since I first created my account:

    – tabbed lists for different occupations. I have two jobs, so to have two, colour-coded teuxdeux lists for each job would be quite simply amazing.

    – more importantly, iPhone/Blackberry app. I’d pay good money for this and it would be a great shame if someone else produces a copycat version of teuxdeux that’s just as nice but has apps for smartphones.

  13. iPhone 4G graphic tweaks coming soon?
    LOVE the app overall, amazing work.