Explaining Twitter to Swiss TV

Here’s a link to an interview that Swiss TV did with me a few weeks ago about Twitter. Part of it aired on 10vor10 last night. So, if ever you wanted to hear me speak Swiss-German, here’s your chance.

5 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Oops, can’t find the page I’m looking for…
    (link not working)

    Gruss aus Basel

  2. Ein spannendes Interview. Wusste nicht, dass Twitter so wichtig in ihrer Branche ist.


    An interesting interview. Did’t know that Twitter is so important in your industry.

  3. @saskia: Fixed

    @ Stefan: Vielen dank fuers bilingual kommentar

  4. Liebi Tina,
    Du besch so positiv,leerriich ond machsch Muet.
    Drom lueg ech emmer gärn be Dim Blog verbii ond lose
    Der au gärn zue.
    Häb es schöns Wochenänd!
    Veli Grüess us Luzern,

  5. Fascinating language…I wonder if you will ever be able to understand more that 10% of it! Congratulations on the interview, though! :)