Shopify’s Build-A-Business Competition

I am hugely honored (and humbled) to be one of the four mentors in Shopify’s Build-A-Business Competition which literally launched a few hours ago.

If you’ve been toying with the idea of starting your own business, this is your chance. Give it a try and potentially win a $50,000 investment in the process.

Here’s how you get started:

1. Think of Something to Sell!
2. Create your Store on Shopify. (That’s where I run Tattly from! I can’t recommend them enough!)
3. Grow your Business with help from Google AdWords and Mailchimp Credits
4. Watch the Leaderboard and get advice from your mentors. (If you qualify for the Design, Art or Home category, that would be me)

And here’s what you can win: A $50,000 dollar investement from your mentor in exchange of a 5% stake in your company – valuing your business at $1 million.

A VIP trip to New York City where you’ll meet all of the mentors: Tim Ferris, Eric Ries, Daymond John and me.

You’ll also get a special one-hour meeting with a Fast Company editor to pitch a feature article for their print magazine. And you’ll receive $20,000 Google AdWords Credits.

I’ve entered the competition last year with Tattly. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made!

So, what are you going to sell?

8 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Ah! I love your “Large Pizza” model for how big to grow your business.

    Although in my experience, that would limit me to only two employees. Including myself….

    Did I mention I love pizza?

  2. aaah autoplay!

  3. no auto play video please

  4. People… Shut up about the autoplay… This isn’t the time or place…

    Tina, that is AWESOME. I’m genuinely impressed as I follow your blog religiously, and since long before Ella was expected and I managed to never realize the simplicity of your concept to success of Tattly. To be awkwardly honest, I don’t get it, but I’m thrilled that it’s a success.

    I’ve got a similarly simple idea that involves production in plastics and more things that I don’t understand the process of, so I’m very excited to read of this spark to ignite people like myself.

  5. “People… Shut up about the autoplay… This isn’t the time or place…”

    err yes it is or how else is Tina suppose to find out about it?

  6. James, what I mean to say is that this is a time where we should be showing support, and not submitting incomplete sentences that serve no purpose but to complain.

    The autoplay took me by surprise as well, but the fact that we’re still discussing it is embarrassing. If you wish to continue this debate, fine me on Twitter with the same username.

  7. Viiiiiiiielen Dank Tina für so viele Leidenschaft!
    (so schön und motivierend :)

  8. Tina, I’m so excited and filled with enthusiasm with this post.

    My brother and I have been thinking about opening a small design boutique and this was just the push we needed. I look up to you so much, you are a big role model for me. All I want is to do something I’m passionate about and that’s small enough to still have a lot of me in it ;).

    Tattly is just one of the most charming, fun, lovely ideas and I would love to wear a different one every week. As a tattoo lover, design lover, but also as a gemini (fickle mind ;) you can understand why tattly appeals so much to me.

    Congratulations for all your work. You have a serious fan here ;)

    Beijos!!! Mel