Works That Work

Works That Work is a new design magazine that looks beyond mere portfolios, a magazine dedicated to inspiration and observation, to conditions and contexts, a kind of National Geographic of design. They are interested in the manifestations of unexpected creativity in the real world. Practical, positive, detached from artists’ egos, showing just works that work, from around the globe.

Works That Work will be published twice a year out of the Netherlands, by Typotheque. The 80-page inaugural issue is due in early 2013, not only in electronic and online editions, but also in a paper edition, a beautiful tangible print object intended to be held close with both hands.

Editor Peter Biľak is the former editor of dot dot dot magazine, and has written for Eye, Print and Emigre. He is also the founder of Typotheque design studio and type foundry.

I am pledging. You?