Catching up on Content

Catching up on content, by Julian Glander.


Look-See, a fascinating animation by Daniel Savage

Timo Kuilder GIFs

Completely charmed by these GIFs. Well done, Timo Kuilder.

Fuzzy Yellow

Next time someone wants to label you with something you’re not, just tell them you’re Fuzzy Yellow. This made me and my kids laugh.

Hoping for Change

Here’s to hoping for change. GIF by Libby Vander Ploeg.


Blooming Sketchbooks

I just fell in love with Eva Magill-Oliver’s sketchbooks .


Chilling and absurd times. Tramps by Kate Pugsley

Toe, Petal, Cosmos

Qieer Wang created this piece based on Quantum Theory which describes that one object could exist at the same time in different parts of this world in any unexpected form.

Males and E-Males

Males and E-Males, by Jean Jullien. Made me smile.

Art is Theft

(via The Curious Brain)

This Week’s Motto:

My motto for this week with marches happening all around the world. Thanks Dallas Clayton.

Who Thinks I Should Fly The Plane?


New York Cartoon nailed it.

CDR Original Drawings

CDR Original DrawingsCDR Original DrawingsCDR Original Drawings

Love these simple original drawings by Christopher David Ryan.

Herbert Leupin – Swiss Poster Artist

Herbert Lupinherbert Leupin

I have fond memories of seeing these posters as a kid growing up in Switzerland. They are designed by prolific Swiss designer Herbert Leupin.

Women Who Draw

Women Who Draw Website

Women Who Draw is an open directory of female* professional illustrators, artists and cartoonists who take freelance work. YES!

Crazy Horn

blow your crazy horn

We all should blow our crazy horn at bit more often. Print by Marc Johns.

I Feel So Online

I feel so online

I feel this sentiment illustrated by Jean Jullien.

Man Without Wings

Man Without Wings

This beautiful print by Geffen Rafaeli is a reminder to everyone in the US to go vote today!




Not So Good | Not So Bad

not so good not so bad

This Not So Good / Not So Bad box by Tina Berning made me look. I might start one of these myself. Also, what a talented illustrator.

Pawel Jonca

pawel jonca

Fascinated by this poster by Pawel Jonca. I’d hang it on my walls.

Auf Wiedersehen

Auf Wiedersehen

This drawing by Jacqueline Smith made me look. More here.

The Rhinoceros by Albrecht Dürer

rhinoceros Tattly by Albrecht Dueler

And, today, we added no other than Albrecht Dürer to our ever growing Tattly artist roster. Please welcome The Rhinoceros.

Hello there, dressed Lemur.

Dressed Lemur

There is something about animals dressed in clothes. This lemur by Yago Partal really speaks to me. And, then of course, there’s the Berkley Animals.