Create a WebClip Bookmark Icon (for iPhone and iPod Touch)

Create a WebClip Bookmark Icon (for iPhone and iPod Touch) 57×57 pixels : To specify a bookmark icon for all pages of a web site, place a PNG image named “apple-touch-icon.png” at the root directory of your web server – similar to the “favicon.ico” for site icons.

(great find chris!)

3 Comments leave a comment below

  1. You can also go 158×158 to produce a crisper icon, according to jon hicks.

  2. Not a hoax, AUD$20,000 worth of damage. Corey hasn’t been home since it happened and is ignoring all contact from his parents. He has received publicity every day since it happened and now has job offers coming in from companies wanting him to promote their underage parties.

  3. if you want to create bookmark icon for other website that isn’t your own

    Visit here

    icon : icon url (you can host it any website because it will be use only one times)

    target address : link that you want to refer