booo typepad

Typepad managed to screw up their backups and lost about 50 (!!) of the images I previously uploaded. This means, I will have to look up those links again, take another screenshot, resave it in photoshop and upload it again. I am fuming!! Typepad should at least offer a refund. Boo Typepad. Boo!

Update: Here’s a message I got from Typepad: : We will be extending your TypePad subscription for free by 12 months in recognition of the inconvenience we have caused.

7 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Hi Tina:

    I’m so sorry you’ve got to do all that work again. What a pain – truly!

    TypePad is offering 6 months free service to anyone who lost 1 – 29 photos, and 1 year to anyone who lost more than 30 photos.

    I’ve bookmarked a ton of your links in the past few months on my personal, because I’m a total fangirl – just contact me for the link.


  2. Ginevra, Thanks so much for your message. First of all for thanks for the thumbs-up on my little blog! :) And wow, to the one year free service… Even though I am bummed I have to go through all the links again, that made my day. Happy thursday! Tina

  3. TypePad Loses Some Blog Content, But Handles It Well

    Some TypePad bloggers, myself and Seth Godin included, suffered some downtime earlier this week when a glitched caused all blogs that begin with “S” to go offline. (My original URL is They came back online quickly, unfortunatel…

  4. hey tina, do you know if this happened across many typepad accounts?

  5. i hope they made it worth the hassle!

  6. Sean, yes it did. But if your account was affected, they sent you an email. Is your blog on typepad?

  7. yes, but apparently i’m one of the lucky ones… although $149 would cover a few hours of reposting images!