qoop = outstanding customer service


Some of you might have seen my slightly frustrated post about the QOOP/Flickr photo book I ordered a while back. I just received an email from Phil Wessels, the President of QOOP:

Hi Tina,

I’ll have your money refunded. I’m sorry you weren’t satisfied with the print. The new internal paper should help with that. We’ll have that up by the end of this week.

By the way, Bill is the CEO of QOOP, but we both spend a fair bit of time minding customer service for good feedback like yours.


Phil Wessells
QOOP, Inc.

Thank you Phil! Thank you Bill! You win 200 instant karma points for your hands-on customer support and for simply caring about improving your product. I am very much looking forward to seeing the QOOP improvements! I will give it another try, sometime down the road.

2 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Tina –

    The new thick paper is up on QOOP now (not a choice, it is all we use now for perfect bound books). 100# gloss Text internals – very nice quality and I still owe you a book

    – Bill

  2. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll gladly put another project together and see the new paper quality! Thanks Bill!