Michele from Coudal read a couple weblog entries and heard an NPR story about how you might be able to clean your computer keyboard in the dishwasher. So she organized a bit of an experiment. Just like with socks in the laundry, somehow a couple of their matching keys disappeared in the process. Luckily they were F10 and F11. And apparently they never use those anyhow.
Awesome. Well shot. Shame about the missing keys. I use those all the time.
I’ve always heard NO SOAP though. And I think it works without removing all the keys (might help with the MIA factor).
Jun 21st, 2007 / 10:11 am
is this really true ? about ten years ago Captain Napalm, a character who was on an email like i was on, told me to put my keyboard in the dishwasher but i thought he was kidding
Jun 21st, 2007 / 8:02 pm