On my way to my office this morning, I came across a H-U-G-E wall of post-its saying ‘TO DO’. I stopped and started watching peoples reactions. I can not even tell you how many smiles this art installation (?) created. People stopped, pulled out a pen and started scribbling on the post-its. This type of unexpected sighting is one of the reasons why I am so in love with New York. I could not have had a better start in the day. A big thank you, to the creator(s).
WOW! I like it! And specially cause TODO in spanish means ALL!
Aug 1st, 2007 / 10:21 am
this is from the wonderful people at illegal art
Aug 1st, 2007 / 11:49 am
Aug 1st, 2007 / 11:50 am
Aww man! I would have loved to have seen that in the old hood… The pure art form still exists over there with the artists… Love it!
Aug 1st, 2007 / 12:34 pm
Aug 1st, 2007 / 1:17 pm
When I first saw this I thought – Nike viral marketing. Does this make me a bad person? :P
(I think it’s the combination of the typography and the “Do it” type message. I’ll be glad if it’s a random art piece though.)
Aug 1st, 2007 / 7:29 pm
Where was this? I’d love to go see it before it’s gone (or it rains.)
Aug 2nd, 2007 / 7:29 am
This one is in DUMBO at Front and Washington. I think they did they same thing a little while back at TheApartment on Crosby.
Aug 2nd, 2007 / 9:37 am
This makes me happy.
Maybe I should create one in the lobby at work…
Aug 2nd, 2007 / 6:14 pm
my god, such waste. doing things for the sake of art is one thing, but this, this is just pure waste.
Aug 3rd, 2007 / 4:37 am
my god, such waste. doing things for the sake of art is one thing, but this, this is just pure waste.
Aug 3rd, 2007 / 4:37 am
my god, such waste. doing things for the sake of art is one thing, but this, this is just pure waste.
Aug 3rd, 2007 / 4:37 am
look at you, wasting pixels.
Aug 4th, 2007 / 7:03 pm