one of the many reason I love NYC



On my way to my office this morning, I came across a H-U-G-E wall of post-its saying ‘TO DO’. I stopped and started watching peoples reactions. I can not even tell you how many smiles this art installation (?) created. People stopped, pulled out a pen and started scribbling on the post-its. This type of unexpected sighting is one of the reasons why I am so in love with New York. I could not have had a better start in the day. A big thank you, to the creator(s).

More images here.

13 Comments leave a comment below

  1. WOW! I like it! And specially cause TODO in spanish means ALL!

  2. this is from the wonderful people at illegal art

  3. Aww man! I would have loved to have seen that in the old hood… The pure art form still exists over there with the artists… Love it!

  4. When I first saw this I thought – Nike viral marketing. Does this make me a bad person? :P

    (I think it’s the combination of the typography and the “Do it” type message. I’ll be glad if it’s a random art piece though.)

  5. Where was this? I’d love to go see it before it’s gone (or it rains.)

  6. This one is in DUMBO at Front and Washington. I think they did they same thing a little while back at TheApartment on Crosby.

  7. This makes me happy.

    Maybe I should create one in the lobby at work…

  8. my god, such waste. doing things for the sake of art is one thing, but this, this is just pure waste.

  9. my god, such waste. doing things for the sake of art is one thing, but this, this is just pure waste.

  10. my god, such waste. doing things for the sake of art is one thing, but this, this is just pure waste.

  11. look at you, wasting pixels.