Serge Bloch | Illustrator Extraordinnaire


Serge Bloch is, as of today, my favorite illustrator. Not only did his illustration work make me look, the design of his portfolio site impressed me as well. He says he wants to make people smile with his work: mission accomplished with this lady here. Hat tip Serge! (How I would I love one of his illustrations on my walls…!)

(via one of my reader’s site, I can’t remember which one. I apologize!)

4 Comments leave a comment below

  1. I’ve always loved his work… Thanks for the link!

  2. Did you catch his personal introduction? At the bottom of his home page there is a radio button next to the letter ‘A’ for Autoplay (as opposed to ‘I’ for illustration). Click to see his little video. Clearly Serge has a terrific sense of humor!

  3. Me too, his work is magic. On a recent trip to NYC I bought some of his work from the Living with Art gallery. Totally maxed out my credit card but I have no regrets! They are worth it.

  4. Oh, I just realised I’m about 2 years late with this conversation! Oh well, he is still no. 1.