* GI — Google it
* MOP — Mac or PC?
* FCAO — five conversations at once
* IIOYT — is it on YouTube?
* DYFH — did you Facebook him/her?
* BIOI — buy it on iTunes
* CMOS — call me on Skype
* GGNUDP — gotta go, no unlimited data plan
* WLF — with the lady friend
* JUOC — jacked up on caffeine
* 12OF — twelve-o’clock flasher (refers to someone less than competent with technology, to the extent that every appliance in the house flashes “12:00″)
* SML — send me the link
* RHB — read his/her blog
* MBLO — much better-looking online
* KYST — knew you’d say that
* NBL — no battery left
* CTTC — can’t talk, teacher’s coming
* TWD — typing while driving
* CMT (CMF, CMM, CMB) — check my Twitter (Facebook, Myspace, blog)
* CYE (CYF, CYM, CYB)–check your email (Facebook, Myspace, blog)
WTITYB — whatever, tell it to your blog
Sep 3rd, 2007 / 1:52 am
CBATG – http://www.troubled-diva.com/cbatg.htm
Sep 3rd, 2007 / 5:56 am