Oh, I wish I could go to the Opening of Serge Bloch’s Art Show, at Living with Art gallery, Soho, New York.
Serge Bloch is a contributing illustrator to several US publications, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, GQ, The Los Angeles Times, Bloomberg, Scholastic, National Geographic Magazine and France Amerique: “A page of newspaper is like a wall of a gallery that hundreds of thousands of people can visit without being afraid to enter. You can be on a train, in bed or on a bench in the sun. But the exhibit is ephemeral because the following day, it’s gone. It’s become a piece of paper used to dry your boots or to peel vegetables”. Serge enjoys doing humorous work, and refers to it as a work of modest art.
SERGE BLOCH | works on paper | painted drawings. Opening Reception: Thursday January 31, 6-9 pm
Living with Art gallery
153 Lafayette Street 7th floor
New York NY 10013