Silicone Monster Placemat
Get those monsters out of the closet and invite them to dinner with these delightfully quirky, playful and Silicone Monster Placemat designed by Kat Nouri with graphics by Matte Stephens.
Pee and Poo Kids Underwear
Pretty self-explanatory. The Pee and Poo Kids Underwear features a dare-we-say cute characterization of one’s bodily functions in the anatomically appropriate places. Pee and Poo can help educate your child about the body, and their friendly personalities will help your child be more comfortable with the potty training experience. Available in boys and girls styles as well as unisex baby briefs.Pee and Poo Kids Underwear
. Made me smile.
Proposed Ballot Design
On Nov. 4, most ballots will repeat design mistakes made in previous elections. Many of these errors are avoidable. This year, the United States Election Assistance Commission released ballot design guidelines. Using these guidelines, AIGA developed this feature to identify common design problems and offers improvements. How Design Can Save Democracy, By Richard Grefé and Jessica Friedman Hewitt
(thank you olga)
porn font. made me laugh.
I spent all day watching porn, by Pedro Campiche.
Manetone Pantone Painting
A reproduction of Édouard Manet’s ‘Bar at the Folies Bergere’ made entirely of old Pantone chips. Over 5,000 unused chips were painstakingly colour matched and and stuck down over four long nights, and acted as centre piece for a boozey party in our design studio. By Tim Fraser Brown.
(Thank you Amy)
shredding is all about…
An experimental typographic piece exploring ways of creating three-dimensional letterforms from two-dimensional materials. The work is made from a large sheet of paper which was manually shredded. Each strip was then folded outwards on a pre designed map to create the sentence ‘Shredding is all about the details’. By David Aspinall
(thank you amy)
railroad tattoos
Ethan pointed me to a collection of railroad tattoos. The above had me chuckle. Doing the same with the swiss railway system (PDF) might be slightly difficult. Why? Too dense.
Letterpad Mousepad
The Letterpad – Rubber $15
keep calm and rock on
Adman pointed me to their latest poster at The PosterList – “Keep Calm and Rock On”. Their take on the ubiquitous Keep Calm poster. All posters are printed with 100% vegetable ink on organic acid free paper. They’re having a sale this and next week — 2 posters for $20.
Felted Wool Stones
Renowned South African textile designer Ronel Jordaan takes her inspiration from nature, and uses felt to give free rein to her imagination. Socially conscious as well as gifted, Jordaan has set up a women’s workshop in Gauteng- Johannesburg-where her personally trained artisans transform interlocking fibers, made from 100% merino wool, into these freeform oversized “stone” floor cushions.
aldo sperber | photographer
Photography by Paris based Aldo Sperber.
oh, I heart calligraphy!
Wonderful Calligraphy styles that you can ‘buy’ for your wedding or birth announcement envelopes. Service provided by minted.
(via disdressed)
3-D Business Cards
3-D Business Cards by graphic-design student Emerson Taymor. Fabulous. Totally made me smile.
(via bblinks)
hotel door hangers collection
Impressive hotel door hangers collection by Michael Lebowitz’s grandfather.
My desk needs a wooden iceberg
This is what’s been missing on my desk: Wooden Arctic Iceberg I from Cheekeyes. Made me smile.
If I had to put a bed into my office….
… this would be it. But of course, that’s an absurd idea. Just saying.
a coat stand carrying your wild clothes
Catching the Wild – a coat stand carrying your wild clothes. Made out of steel and polyester rope. Desiged by Kai Linke & Johannes Hemann
(via pan dan who is back from vacation, thank god)