‘water boots’ roman signer, 1986 (photo: marek rogowiec)
Roman Signer is a swiss artist living and working in the area I grew up in. A man with an impressive creative mind. I was thrilled to learn that the Swiss Institute here in New York is showing one of his movies: Restenfilm is a special screening of Roman Signer’s work. Resten translates as leftovers in German. Throughout his career, the artist has used frequently a Super-8 camera as visual sketchbook. From avalanches to small experiments in his backyard, the leftovers of Signer’s artistic life are spectacular and poetic at once. Following the screening Roman Signer will answer questions from the audience. More info here.
Cool! The Paul Scherrer Institut in Villigen CH has one of his works, involving water and boots as in this photo, and that’s how I first heard of him.
Nov 13th, 2008 / 4:49 am
i love his work!
Nov 13th, 2008 / 9:22 am
nice… that photo was used on the cover of Gastr Del Sol’s 1996 album “upgrade and afterlife”…
Nov 13th, 2008 / 11:51 am
(Completely off topic …)
Hello Swissmiss,
I have this old and rather vague idea that the Swiss – or at least some of them – make a joint effort to clean up roadsides (and nature generally) on their national day, August 1st.
Can you tell me whether there is any truth to this? (And maybe link to some facts?)
I just googled “switzerland august first national garbage cleaning” – and hit your website…
Thanks in advance if you can help me with this.
Nov 19th, 2008 / 5:26 am
… And by the way – cool boots. Literally.
Easy to see the one-legged watery ghost, sadly staring at its lost foot …
Nov 19th, 2008 / 5:48 am
Roman is the best: the explosive creative Apenzeller…
Dec 11th, 2008 / 3:14 pm