This Wooden Airport Play Set made me laugh. A sign of our times? My generation played with Parking Garages
, Ella will most probably go straight to Airports
This Wooden Airport Play Set made me laugh. A sign of our times? My generation played with Parking Garages
, Ella will most probably go straight to Airports
Fabulous! I have been looking for something like this! THANK YOU!
Nov 30th, 2008 / 1:29 pm
Actually, I remember playing with my Fisher Price airport way back in the early to mid 70s – complete with airplane, helicopter, luggage, luggage carousel, baggage car, jet fuel tank, and a stewardess. The murals on the inside were very modern and international.
(see the following link:)
In fact, my parents kept it all of these years, along with all of the other Fisher Price toys, and now my kids are having a blast playing with them when they go over to Oma and Opa’s house, probably more so than a lot of the more recent toys that we have.
While this new wooden play set has some nice elements, it is almost completely devoid of any actual “play”. I am a big fan of modern design, but sometimes the whole concept of a toy is lost – it is as if it is being marketed towards the parents, and not the children.
Nov 30th, 2008 / 1:40 pm
Where’s the curtained-off pat down room?
Dec 1st, 2008 / 10:43 am