Library Camouflage


I don’t understand a word on this site, but I know I do like this library camouflage outfit

16 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Hey, it´s in Swedish, like my blogg =) The name of the website is “Hide” and under each picture, its a short story of how its done, where it is and who is doing it. “bokmalen”(bookworm) is done by Anna, she has taken some pictures and printed them out on her own printer at home.

  2. And it’s a competiton. gö ->

    Made me smile too

  3. That’s what I call camouflage! Nice pic.

  4. it somewhat reminds me of the work of Desiree Palmen

  5. *LOL*
    That made me laugh!
    Thank you.

  6. Great site – I like the one in some kind of office on Jan 19, where he seems to be hiding by standing in the middle of the room. Either that or the hider is so brilliantly disguised he’s completely invisible…

  7. brings hide and seek to a whole new level!

  8. please don’t tell me she’s watching Prison Break!

  9. this makes me so happy!

  10. It IS prison break! Has the camouflage got someting to do with this, I wonder?

  11. Emma: He is a guy with a job hiding among people looking for one, so it’s not actually hiding per se..

  12. no way! that is amazing.

  13. Very nice!

    Reminds me of an exhibition project we did – 1:1 Rogaland (

  14. Lots of similar work out there I guess… reminded me of liu bolin’s urban camoflague series:

  15. LOL this is kind of creepy. The guy looks like a translucent ghostly figure.

  16. Ooh, this reminds me of the movie “When a Stranger Calls Back” and thus terrifies me!!!