AIGA/NY has been on fire recently. Their latest events have been amazing and I pretty much want to attend all of them. (Poor G is being asked a lot to watch little Ella these days.) Here are a few more upcoming events that are promising:
Knopf: Then and Now
Wendesday 21 October 2009 6:30-8:30pm
In the late 1980s, the Alfred A. Knopf design group redefined the art of American book packaging. Two decades later, the department continues to set the bar for the trade publishing industry. Knopf: Then and Now brings the legendary team of Carol Devine Carson, Barbara de Wilde, Archie Ferguson, and Chip Kidd together on stage for the first time. The quartet will give a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of their most daring cover designs, discuss the process of collaboration, and describe the challenges affecting book jacket design today.
Small Talk No.2: Hillman Curtis
Thursday 22 October 2009 6:30-8:00pm
Hillman Curtis will discuss how still images – mainly from contemporary photography – directly influence the narrative of his film work. Curtis is a designer, filmmaker, and author whose company Hillmancurtis, Inc. has designed sites for Yahoo, Adobe, The Metropolitan Opera, Aquent, the American Institute of Graphic Design, Paramount Fox Searchlight Pictures, and eMusic among others. His film work includes the popular documentary series “Artist Series”, as well as award winning short films. His commercial film work includes spots for Rolling Stone, Adobe, Sprint, Blackberry, and BMW.
Member Series: The Type Is Right
Monday 9 November 2009 6:30-8.30pm
Are you crazy for Courier? Gonzo for Garamond? Mad for Meta? Does your quick brown fox jump over your lazy dog? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then come on down to “The Type is Right,” AIGA/NY’s first-ever typographic game show at Galapagos Art Space in Dumbo, Brooklyn.
I have a lot to learn from these New York folks when it comes to programming. Although November doesn’t look too bad for me(!)
Oct 20th, 2009 / 9:31 pm