Triboro Leftovers is a compilation of unpublished type treatments, photos, sketches, illustrations and logo explorations that we have created over the years. Rather than allow these to remain lost on our harddrives we decided to set them free. We mashed together elements from hundreds of different projects—and in the process—deliberately stripped the elements oftheir original context and meaning. The results are visual remixes which stand on their own.
AWESOME! so good its hard to believe they weren’t created originally for this set… some lovely type gems in here.
Mar 8th, 2010 / 10:22 am
utterly love this! Just wonderful x
Mar 8th, 2010 / 11:01 am
I just love these. I’ve been so into the simplicity of black and white lately. Its so neat how they all tie together but are from different projects.
Mar 8th, 2010 / 11:43 am
Beautiful and inspiring work. Print these in a book and i’d buy it.
Mar 8th, 2010 / 2:11 pm
Like the graphics congratulations!
Mar 9th, 2010 / 10:21 am