This Cash Only Tattoo by MyORB made me laugh. The backstory:
Once again we are having problems with a client who is ignoring invoices and does not seem to want to compensate us for half a year of work. We’re fed up and changing our policy: Cash Only! To help enforce this policy we will be wearing these temporary tattoos to kick off meetings.
haha great!
Mar 3rd, 2011 / 4:20 pm
Which font is this?
Mar 3rd, 2011 / 8:37 pm
How will switching to a cash only policy solve the problem of not getting compensated at all? Shouldn’t the new policy be “payment up front” instead?
Mar 4th, 2011 / 7:37 am
It is a custom hand drawn font…
Mar 4th, 2011 / 9:55 am
Awesome idea, very creative!
Mar 7th, 2011 / 12:41 pm
Same question as Moncef. If the client is not taking calls or paying the balance, how does “cash only” help?
Mar 8th, 2011 / 11:42 am