Check out this fantastic Brain Pickings post on The Fear of Failure. I especially enjoyed Milton Glaser’s and Stefan Sagmeister’s thoughts on the topic:
Milton Glaser – on the fear of failure. from Berghs' Exhibition '11 on Vimeo.
Stefan Sagmeister – on the fear of failure. from Berghs' Exhibition '11 on Vimeo.
Check Maria’s Full Post. By the way, did you notice her lovely redesign?
Nice videos. Sagmeister I’ve heard him say something similar before but I think Milton Glaser’s video is a really nice thought out response.
May 14th, 2011 / 4:11 am
Milton’s video is so true. It’s funny, as a marketing firm we’re trying to specialize more so that we get better quality work and therefore more money. I guess the challenge for us will be when we specialize what will we do to keep it fresh and will we step outside what we do to reach the next level. Because money is always a factor it’s hard to spend time stepping out.
May 14th, 2011 / 7:50 am
Very deep thoughts, I liked the videos a lot. One thing I discovered throughout my life though is that I was/and still often am more afraid of SUCESS than afraid of failure. What a concept right? We certainly have complex minds, us humans
May 15th, 2011 / 10:52 am
I recently had the honour to talk to Sagmeister and interview him:
Sagemeister is a real kind person and one of my favorite designers …
May 15th, 2011 / 2:46 pm
The children playing in the background of Milton’s video bring resonance to his words. As adults, it seems we most often take comfort in the familiar, take fewer chances, and fear the unknown.
May 16th, 2011 / 11:45 am
As a kid we fail to walk or talk but a few attempts help us to take that first step or speak out that first word…the people around feel so much in awe when this moment arrives…. Wonder why we shy away from making attempts when we grow up! Embracing failure is the most natural phenomenon
May 17th, 2011 / 10:26 pm
he looks like monte burns. release the hounds…
May 20th, 2011 / 12:20 am
Great videos.. I love listening to Glaser speak. I also find that I fear success as much, if not more than, failure. I wonder if the same words of wisdom hold true for the opposite… Embrace success!
Jun 2nd, 2011 / 1:56 pm
The fear of success is really just the fear of not being able to live up to the increased expectations and responsibility placed upon you because of your success, so in the end it’s just another form of fear of failure.
Jun 5th, 2011 / 1:51 pm