Quick Pop Maker

I keep coming back to this Zoku Quick Pop Maker. And now I am trying to convince myself that ‘blogging about it is in fact the new buying’. Hopefully this post will keep me from hitting that buy button.

It looks like so much fun though. (sigh)

24 Comments leave a comment below

  1. I’m convinced that blogging about is the new buying. I do it all the time:)

    It is cute but just think “one more thing” I have to put somewhere….

  2. I just got the Zoku as a gift and I have to say It’s pretty amazing. Easy to clean and fun for even my littlest cousins.

    Sorry for playing Devil’s advocate but its just great!

  3. Pinning is the new buying! I just pin stuff to my Pinterest.com account and no longer feel “I MUST HAVE THIS”.

    Also, I have been eying this popsicle maker for the past 10 months.

  4. BUY IT! Think of your suffering children.

    *someone had to…

  5. Just in time for summer…

  6. I fell in love with it last summer on a trip to the UK but it was too heavy to fly back to Spain so it stayed behind. ;(

  7. I LOVE my Zoku, a must have for any family with kids!

  8. I have one.
    And it.

  9. I wonder if there is anyplace that sells Thai-style popsicle makers? It would be a fun thing to have for events or festivals. I tried to find one online but my google fu wasn’ t up to the task.

  10. wow! $49.99 for a popsicle maker??? i used to remember making it the poor man’s way. took a regular ice cube tray, poured juice and stuck toothpicks through plastic wrap. difficult to eat but nevertheless fun for a little kid of the ’80s. :P

  11. It seems like something you might purchase and use only once (like a juicer blah), but since unboxing the Zoku a few days ago, I’ve already used it four times. I’m making honey-cherry yogurt popsicles as I type! It’s not even particularly warm here in San Francisco, but I can probably eat popsicles or ice cream every day. Plus substituting honey for sugar and using fresh ingredients at least makes them slightly healthier than most store-bought pops.

  12. Dear friend
    THis is the best ice-cream we’ve ever made:
    Which means:
    I’m not using my pop makers anymore….
    Have fun!

  13. Yogurt Popsicles… in 7 minutes… mmm this is too good! Image freezing in some berries as well…

  14. Huh @Clairemipsum?

    “In common parlance, a devil’s advocate is someone who, given a certain argument, takes a position he or she does not necessarily agree with, just for the sake of argument.”

  15. @ Lisa- Remember that character ‘Timer’ from Saturday morning cartoons? That’s where I learned the joys of the messy ice tray-cicles.

  16. I have an old one from tupperware (about 15 years) similar to this one: http://order.tupperware.com/pls/htprod_www/tup_show_item.show_item_detail?fv_item_category_code=20000&fv_item_number=P10059624000 and it still works, I normally use to fill it with milkshakes, delicious.

  17. OMG. It’s been many years since I saw one of these. I’m delighted that something so retro is getting some modern props. Awesome.

  18. I’ve been tempted too. However, in order for this to work, you must leave the main part in the freezer. This takes up valuable freezer space especially for those of us who have a traditional fridge with small freezer on top.
    I would imagine the same thing would happen to this as has happened to my ice cream maker. It is now in storage.
    Plus the price seems a little steep for something with no moving parts.
    Also–is the freezing part made of aluminum? Not good for people to ingest.

  19. @ B! – omg! totally brings back memories and that’s EXACTLY where i learned how to make popsicles in an ice cube tray too. “sunshine on a stick”!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaVWM1mqG74&feature=related

  20. @Lisa YES I used to do that exact same thing.

  21. You are so right. Blogging is the new buying!!. I just started posting my fave list as a way of making blogging “practically” like buying. I’m going to have to quote you on that! But hey I may have to buy that pop maker anyway…

  22. And soooo? Did you? I have to say it makes the cutest popsicles. I want one too, but luckily I have no more room for “stuff”.

    Anyway, my children enjoy making their own out of whatever they can find with whatever paper-type/plastic container they can find. They are cute for a while and then they are left in the bottom of the freezer or on a floor in the house… Motherhood. hmph.

  23. Please please buy it and post a review :D