Yumaki Toothbrush

How designy is this Yumaki Trinidad Toothbrush? Totally fits the swissmiss color scheme! Ha!

7 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Cool toothbrush but as for me this color is not the best…

  2. Woo! Ergonomics out the window!! Or, down the drain, so to speak :-P

  3. Aweeeeeeeeee!! not efficient at all. down the drain!!!!

  4. I bought a black one from Yumaki!
    First time you use it it’s a bit weird because it’s a bit smaller and has a different shape than regular toothbrushes. But I got used to it really quickly. And now I have the coolest toothbrush B)

  5. I got one too… and i like the ergonomics and style way better than any other toothbrush i’ve used.. And my teeth are still white so i’m definently not complaining…

  6. I got a rasta one and its definitely functional and waaaaayy cool… go and get yours!