Social Gift

Social Gift is a fantastic idea and takes the headache out of social-group-gift-giving! allows friends and family to chip in on bigger, better and more meaningful gifts. It’s perfect for Birthday gifts, weddings, bar mitzvahs, graduations, and any special event you can think of where you want to bring together a group of people.

(thank you David)

6 Comments leave a comment below

  1. You’re very welcome.
    Thanks for the thank you! That little sentence, from you, made my day! =)

  2. This is our project – thanks for blogging it! You just made my day too!

    You can check out some more of out work here:


    ~ zach

  3. Awesome project! great video.
    Reblogged on

  4. Great project! We often round up friends when we can think of a decent gift for a close friend but extracting the funds can be bit of a chore. Hopefully with something like this, people can interact and take charge of their own part of the process.

  5. This seems totally ridiculous. I don’t think it is that hard to organize your friends and get one person to collect money for a gift, plus you won’t have to pay a .49 cent contribution fee every time you give money.

    On the social gift site one of the founders thought that it wasn’t too personal to just add a birthday greeting to someone’s facebook wall and they’re right. How about sending your friends a card or calling them on the phone? Why are we so obsessed with the virtual world and communicating with our friends this way. I don’t consider anyone a very good friend if they can’t be bothered to send me a card or call for my birthday.

    Real friends take real time and real energy, not just sending bytes of info through cyberspace.

  6. There was a similar idea to this on Dragon’s Den (UK version) not so long ago, but it was aimed more at kids, and I thought it was a good idea then.

    I think Lisa is missing the point when she says “Real friends take real time and real energy, not just sending bytes of info through cyberspace.”

    But it is a real gift! Not a virtual gift! (remember those rubbish Facebook icons you buy and give to people?)

    And a 49 cent fee is not exactly crippling. I think it people would choose convenience and not worry about spending a little more.

    But yea, good on them.