Really fantastic video showing what Google Glass feels like. Truly wonderful to see an experience through someone else’s point of view.
Really fantastic video showing what Google Glass feels like. Truly wonderful to see an experience through someone else’s point of view.
Minority report. No-one ever mentions the higher incidences of brain glioma from wireless technologies. Funny huh. Just as long as it’s “cool”!
Feb 20th, 2013 / 5:42 pm
I call bullshit on this video. There should be a disclaimer saying “video not actually filmed with Google Glass”.
Feb 20th, 2013 / 6:06 pm
One step closer the the brain chip. Why don’t they show the glasses? Ugly?
Feb 21st, 2013 / 9:32 am
Wow… seems more fun and useful than I originally thought.
I wonder if Felix Baumgartner would’ve liked to use it for his supersonic drop through the atmosphere…
Feb 21st, 2013 / 9:35 am