

The fine folks of Fictive Kin created slashpurpose.org. They believe that the world would be a better place if the people trying to shape it spoke openly and plainly about their vision for the future.

The Fictive Kin guys think a fine place to do that is on your own /purpose page, to share the “why” behind your “what”. Like this! yourlovelysite.com/purpose.

Sharing your purpose means being explicit about the place you ultimately want to take people and about the metrics you use for measuring success.

I am determined to create a /purpose for CreativeMornings and Tattly. We already have one for TeuxDeux. Thanks for the inspiration, Fictive Kin.

What’s your /purpose?

4 Comments leave a comment below

  1. To spread, sow words

  2. I’m an artist who went to grad school when critical thinking was taught. I was constantly asked, “why?” Here’s the last paragraph of my current artist statement:

    I create interactions — between vernacular, amateur images and formal, authenticated words; embroidery and photography; handwork and mechanical processes; thread and chemicals — that combine and transcend origins. I assemble montages — putting together life as it should have been with fantasies of how I wished it were. I make artworks that I hope, through common images and famous quotes, resonate with many viewers and cause them to scrutinize the amateur photograph and what I re-present in new ways — ”true or nearly true or true enough.”

  3. This is awesome! Thanks for the inspiration. Just wrote mine out briefly:


  4. This is such a great, simple idea.