The Scientific 7-Minute Workout

The Scientific 7-Minute Workout

The Scientific 7-Minute Workout, by Gretchen Reynolds

5 Comments leave a comment below

  1. I tried this yesterday, and by the 11th step, I was pretty much collapsing on the floor. Pretty intense.

  2. Although if you click through to the original source, they describe this as just the circuit that’s meant to be repeated a few times. So a “7-minute workout” was pretty misleading on the Times’ part.

  3. Loved this article from the NYTimes, as a side note, I found this nifty little timer inspired by the article (have been doing the workout for the past 3 days): Enjoy :)

  4. Immer schön anzusehen diese kleinen niedlichen Bilder … Im Kopf stelle ich mir dann schon vor wie es schmerzt und wie es gut tut und meine Muskeln härter werden und ich viel toller aussehe wenn ich das nun jeden Tag die kommenden Jahre mache. Ja und dann klicke ich weiter und träume weiter … ;-)

  5. We developed a timer for the 7 Minute Scientific Workout: (free)

    We also developed an iPhone Application: