Invisible Tattly

Invisible Tattly

We *just* launched our very first Invisible Tattly in collaboration with Mario the Magician.

It feels good to innovate.

18 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Ooh. Talk about understated brilliance!


  2. Does it glow in the dark? 8)

  3. Ha. Sending you invisible payment now.

  4. That is very risque.

  5. It’s the first for sure!

  6. You got me!

  7. Yeah I got haddddd…for a minute

  8. Less is more ;)

  9. Why do you have to add an extra 2 bucks for international shipping? I can deliver that tattly anywhere on the planet for free…

  10. Hahaha! I puzzled over those photos earlier but I just clued in!
    Hilarious! \(^.^)/

  11. So beautiful! And invisible!

  12. Happy April Fool’s day!!!! love your blog! Anne

  13. april fools♡

  14. This got me so hard, I read it on April 2nd from my RSS feed and was so confused.

  15. I thought this was glow in the dark, I’m so sad now heh