

The other day I sent a few friends a Doodle and it turns out they had never heard of this brilliant service. You haven’t either? But you sure know how hard it can be to find a convenient time for several people to meet? Not with Doodle. It allows you to quickly mutually agree on a time. Try it!

(There’s a whole category on my blog filled with Resources and Tools. Have a look!)

2 Comments leave a comment below

  1. LOL, plus there’s always that other kind of doodle, you know, the one that’s good for you:

  2. Tina, your blog is fascinating. I’m not remotely close to being cool, no one’s ever called me a hipster. Yet, after reading your post about Doodle, I nominated myself “Hipster for a Moment.” I love Doodle and am feeling very hip. Thanks for the rush! Andrea