A remarkable (short) true story of love.
– Trumpinator™ turns any mention of Trump into instant satire by replacing his name with contextually relevant nicknames.
– Love this: Park Pens: twigs packaged to look like stationery
– This made me dizzy watching.
– The USPS is releasing Star Trek stamps.
– Awesome! The mighty Debbie Millman is teaching a branding class over on CreativeLive.
– The Legendary Design Of Eero Aarnio
– Tattly is looking for college students to join our team as
Tattly College Ambassadors at their schools this fall.
– Trans model wears stunning couture dress made from flags of countries that ban homosexuality.
– With my current obsession of the Invisibilia podcast I can’t wait to see Lulu Miller’s talk at Hopscotch Design Festival in a few weeks.
– Twitter adds a quality filter setting. Yes please.
– Now that’s sugar cube: 3D printed sugar.
– Great message (wish there was less swearing though): A 5 Minute Plea to Do
– I’m soaked to the skin with emotion.
– Currently enjoying this Tumblr.
– 23:01:46 — pill to make bird forget it has been kissed
– This: “Life is no “brief candle” for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.”
– Albert Lee and the good folks at NEA are running a survey about design’s role in startups. Take it here!
– While researching a video of my favorite restaurant in the Appenzeller mountains, called Aescher, I came upon this one, and randomly found my entire family, including my mom, in it. No idea who the person is that shot it. This is us standing and watching the paragliders taking off! HOW RANDOM IS THIS?