“People are complicated… Societies and cultures are really complicated… These are living organisms, and it’s messy. And your job as a citizen and as a decent human being is to constantly affirm and lift up and fight for treating people with kindness and respect and understanding.”
– Barack Obama
From this New Yorker piece by David Remnik.
i think your auto correct..is on..
its david remnick! not redneck!
but good quote!
Nov 21st, 2016 / 9:13 am
@kamni OMG. I just died a little. Thank you for pointing it out.
Nov 21st, 2016 / 9:49 am
he says, as he launches another drone to kill innocent muslim children.
they’re all the same. they’re all corrupt and evil people.
Nov 23rd, 2016 / 3:49 am