Dear White Parents

Dear White Parents offers an intimate view of enlightening, sometimes uncomfortable, family discussions focused on parents helping their children understand racism through current events and sharing their own stories about how they first became aware of racism.

The website Dear White Parents is a remarkable resource to help us raise an anti-racist generation. Have a look at the curated library of age-driven resources and discussion guides, as well as anti-racism workshops and discussions. I appreciate the work that went into this.

2 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Thanks for sharing. Insightful and informative resources that challenge people without needing to feel ashamed. Being self aware of your own biases can bring tremendous healing for everyone around you and I always appreciate when a white person truly accepts and be responsible with their white privileges.

    White centering is exhausting and a bore. When you know better, do better.

  2. Sooooo lame!!! These idiots that have no problems trying to create new ones for themselves! Get over this fake white guilt, if the chips are down you know your side, pathetic losers. Remember every other community doesn’t buy into this white guilt bull shit! Let’s go Brandon!