a cup of jo and lunch


I just love the internet. It continuously allows me to meet interesting people. Just today, I had the pleasure to have lunch with Joanna from A Cup of Jo. She is just what I expected, being an avid reader of her blog. Delightful, bubbly, warm. YAY internet!

in love with ffffound.


I am completely in love with ffffound. A quick visit fills you up with tons of visual stimuli. (I gave all my invites away already, sorry)

Book By Its Cover


Julia Rothman, an illustrator and pattern designer located in Brooklyn, New York, runs a fantastic blog called Book By Its Cover, on which she shares books she notices and collects. The book lover in my is recjoicing and wanting a bigger apartment so we can store more BOOKS!

Congrats Design*Sponge


Congratulations Design*Sponge, your new design is magnificent and wonderfully appropriate. I am thrilled for you Grace!


Rb_logo_weblogI just happily added a new blog to my ‘recommended list’ (on the left): Rocketboom. Make sure to check the video blog. I’ll be back! Often!



A newly discovered blog that I keep coming back to: The Unclutterer. I am a big believer in de-cluttering. Hope I will find some good ideas here in the future…


MainheaderthinBasement, a blog by Richard Ziade, partner and lead strategist at New York based Arc90.


UXmatters | insights and inspiration for the user experience community.





A fairly new blog that I enjoy: Zisgermanlife, by Josh Ward. Josh and his wife Vivien just recently packed up their belongings in the Big Apple to call Berlin they’re new home. Josh, originally from Seattle, is documenting what he finds amusing and ‘what makes him loook’ in the German capital. I.e. this entry about the naming of a Sushi place called: FUKU Sushi!

print and pattern blog

Bowie Style is a designer and trend forecaster with a passion for patterns in all its forms. She runs a fairly new but inspiring blog called: Print and Patterns.

(via lamarica)

the big day.


My apologies but there won’t be any posts for a few days.
Why? Uhm… I am off to having a baby girl today…
(Ha, that does sound strange, doesn’t it?)


In the meantime, check these fabulous blogs for endless hours of surfing pleasure:


chris glass


not cot

design observer


i like


(picture (rights) above by jonas and thilo hoffmann)

sale hug


Sale hug is a sale blog that keeps track of online sales for fashion and home goods.

(via design*sponge)

keri smith | illustrator


Keri Smith is one talented illustrator and full of interesting ideas and thoughts. You’re one inspiring mamacita, Keri! Keep it up!

Illustration Portfolio

Wish Jar Journal (Keri Smith’s blog)

This made me look: 10 ways to infuse your work with your personality

i like “i like”

Logo_1A blog that always has a good find and I keep going back to regularly is “I like”. Hello Scotland!
I like “I like“.



If you haven’t seen fosfor.se yet, make sure to pay a visit. Lots of great webfinds assembled by swedish Mikael Svärdh.

currently liking: 30gms


My favorite new blog these days is 30gms

Not just the recommended daily dose of Fibre, 30gms is also a new design blog created by London design practice Fibre. 30gms is dedicated to exploring design and visual culture with your odd bit on found type, kerning and poorly placed apostrophes. They’re fastidious those Fibre folk.

30gms is always filled with amazing finds!
Hello 30gms team – NYC is waving!

edition 8×8

Mobile2_1Edition8x8 sells this do-it-yourself-paper-mobile called “Four evil flies and one nice man”.

Lots of fun stuff to be found on their site!

magnetstudio blog


Need some inspiration? Visit Jon Black’s Magnetstudio/words blog. Lots of great finds!

best websites 2005

Creativity on Credit : TAXI Announces the Best Websites for 2005

(via fabulous dexigner)



A blog I just discovered: Uppercase (gallery, books & papergoods)

(via poppy)



Interesting MFA Design Blog at SVA: Crit

designers who blog

Designerswhoblog My blog is being featured on “designers-who-blog.com”. YAY! Thank you Catherine!