Book Rest Lamp

I love the idea of this book rest lamp so much. Wishlisted!

Library Planet

Loving this idea: Library Planet is like a ‘Lonely Planet’ for libraries of the world. Next time I book a trip I might book it around a library I want to see. They don’t have many entries yet, but I can see how beautiful this could be. Everybody can contribute. Let’s help these folks fill this directory with our beautiful libraries. Who’s in?

(via Tiffany)

Animated Minimalist Mid-Century Book Covers

Even More Covers from Henning M. Lederer on Vimeo.

So much respect for Henning M. Lederer. He masterfully animates minimalist mid-century book covers. If you’re into this, there are more of these videos here.

A Feeling of Discomfort

“Anytime one ventures into new territory there is a feeling of discomfort/uneasiness. That is how you will know that you are evolving. If you were comfortable you would be in a rut and that is no place for enlightened being.”
— Debbra Lupen

From the book Akasha Unleashed

Invisible To The Eyes

From Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Books Are Bananas

This poster. So good.

We Need A Red Box

“Wanting to combat the cultural taboos against criticizing management, Toyota’s leaders painted a big red square on the assembly line floor. New employees had to stand in it at the end of their first week, and they were not allowed to leave until they had criticized at least three things on the line. The continual improvement this practice spawned was part of Toyota’s success. I asked my team what they thought: did we need a red box?”
– Kim Scott

From the book Radical Candor

You’re More Powerful Than You Think

“If you don’t learn how to practice power, someone else will do it for you—in your name, on your turf, with your voice, and often against your interests.”
– Eric Liu

From his book: You’re More Powerful Than You Think


I Feel This:

I am feeling this photograph by Luca Anzalone.


To Get a Group to Open Up

“To get the group to be vulnerable, he said, we facilitators needed to share an even more personal story than we expected our clients to. We would set the depth of the group by whatever level we were willing to go to; however much we shared, they would share a little less. We had to become, in effect, participants.”
― Priya Parker

The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters

Seven Principles for Belonging

The Art of Community by Charles Vogl is the first book to distill principles from 3,000 years of spiritual traditions for leaders to create belonging in any organization, field or movement. It is written to support mission driven leadership.

The Art of Gathering

“We get lulled into the false belief that knowing the category of the gathering—the board meeting, workshop, birthday party, town hall—will be instructive to designing it. But we often choose the template—and the activities and structure that go along with it—before we’re clear on our purpose.”
― Priya Parker

Loving this book: The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters

Purpose of A Gathering

“We get lulled into the false belief that knowing the category of the gathering—the board meeting, workshop, birthday party, town hall—will be instructive to designing it. But we often choose the template—and the activities and structure that go along with it—before we’re clear on our purpose.”
– Priya Parker

The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters

Books capes

Functional sculptures to display your favorite books. Love.


The talented Lucas Zanotto launched a new book, it’s called Everimal. I am a big fan of his books, apps and illustrations. You can even wear some of them, as Tattly.

Pain is Energy

“When you feel pain, simply view it as energy. Just start seeing these inner experiences as energy passing through your heart and before the eye of your consciousness. Then relax. Do the opposite of contracting and closing. Relax and release. Relax your heart until you are actually face-to-face with the exact place where it hurts. Stay open and receptive so you can be present right where the tension is. You must be willing to be present right at the place of the tightness and pain, and then relax and go even deeper. This is very deep growth and transformation. But you will not want to do this. You will feel tremendous resistance to doing this, and that’s what makes it so powerful. As you relax and feel the resistance, the heart will want to pull away, to close, to protect, and to defend itself. Keep relaxing. Relax your shoulders and relax your heart. Let go and give room for the pain to pass through you. It’s just energy. Just see it as energy and let it go.”
― Michael A. Singer

From the Untethered Soul

Don’t Close

“The only thing you have to know is that opening allows energy in, and closing blocks it out. Now you have to decide whether or not you want this energy. How high do you want to get? How much love do you want to feel? How much enthusiasm do you want to have for the things you do? If enjoying a full life means experiencing high energy, love, and enthusiasm all the time, then don’t ever close.”
― Michael A. Singer

From the Untethered Soul


“The mind is a place where the soul goes to hide from the heart.”
– Michael Singer

From the Untethered Soul

One Basic Decision

“People tend to burden themselves with so many choices. But, in the end, you can throw it all away and just make one basic, underlying decision: Do you want to be happy, or do you not want to be happy? It’s really that simple. Once you make that choice, your path through life becomes totally clear.”
― Michael A. Singer

From the Untethered Soul


Touchy/Feely is a design book that explores emotional ergonomics to help foster empathy for human-centered, inclusive design.

The Tickle of a Feather

“If you’re open to learning, you get your life-lessons delivered as gently as the tickle of a feather. But if you’re defensive, if you stubbornly persist in being right instead of learning the lesson at hand, if you stop paying attention to the tickles, the nudges, the clues—boom! Sledgehammer.”
― Gay Hendricks

From the book The First Rule of Ten: A Tenzing Norbu Mystery

The Untethered Soul

I don’t think I have ever said this: I wish this book, the Untethered Soul, would have found me sooner.

Portable Hanging Magazine Rack

Hanging portable bookshelf and magazine rack. Why not!?

You would never know…

This illustration made me giggle. It’s taken from Shirley Glaser and Milton Glaser’s Childrens Book called If Apples Had Teeth.