Entryway Mosaic Floor

Last week I was invited to a friend’s house and this is the mosaic that greeted me at the entryway. What a stunning statement right at the entrance of a home! The masterpiece is by Sarah Donato. I learned from the owner Jules that they were inspired by Nick Misani’s work.

Now I am dreaming of one day renovating a home and being able to hire Sarah to make me a custom mosaic. One day! One day!

Giant Paper Snowflake

Ah, yes, I want to make one of these giant paper snowflakes.

Paper Airplane Database

Fold’N Fly is an impressive paper airplane database. I know what I am doing with my kids tonight!

(via Dense Discovery)

That Sandwich is Looking At You

These made me giggle.

You Are Great

Love this embroidery piece by Jojo Giltsoff. She has an Etsy store. And now can’t stop thinking about what custom piece I want.

Exquisite Corpse Drawing Game

This is one of my favorite drawing games to do with my 8 year old.

Collab Kabobs

I want to gather some friends around the table and make some Collab Kabobs, inspired by Chiaozza.

Wooden DIY Tattly Hangers

I just squealed seeing these beautiful DIY Wooden Tattly Hangers. Thank you Poppytalk for this fun feature! Here are some more DIY Tattly posts, in case you’re interested.

Outline Rubber Stamp Set

This rubber stamp set is looooovely! Oh the possibilities!

Be Optimistic Needlepoint Kit

This Be Optimistic Needlepoint Kit looks like a soothing, meditative way to spend ones time….

DIY Salt Crystal Snowflakes

(via The Kid Should See This)

DIY Mini Rosemary Wreath Garlands

These Mini Rosemary Wreath Garlands are delightful. And most likely will make your home smell lovely. I figure you can probably substitute the mini embroidery hoops with a wire…

(via Red Tricycle)

Threadless Customization

I haven’t visited Threadless in a while and am amazed at their custom one-off printing offerings. From T-Shirts and Apparel to Home Decor and Accessories. I had no idea! Check it out!

(via Chris)

A-Z Printing Set

Make a poster using these old printing sets which have never been used. Each set consists of the full alphabet in lower, or upper, case. The plastic blocks have a foam letter applied to them, which can be dipped into paint.

Jim Henson: How To Make Puppets with Socks

A young Jim Henson teaches you how to make puppets with socks, tennis balls and other household goods.

From Scraps

I absolutely adore this project, celebrating the mundane, by creating objects from scraps.

Giant, Fully Functional LEGO Cardboard Costume

This is the best: How to make a giant, fully functional LEGO cardboard costume!

DIY Tattly Mug

If you want to make your own mugs, here’s a link to the Rifle Tattly Designs and a link to dishwasher safe gloss. Happy crafting!

Playfully Interactive Paper Toys

Love these animated paper puppets by Japanese designer Haruki Nakamura.

Portable Watercolor Set

This portable watercolor palette with built-in water containers makes me want to break out my watercolor equipment from art school again.

Tinker Friday

I am completely smitten by this collection of videos created by Dina Amin. On Fridays she picks a random product, disassembles it, examines it and makes a stop motion story with its parts. This is delightful!

DIY Rainbow Balloon Hat

This DIY rainbow balloon hat made me smile.

Balloon Animals

These Balloon Animals are nothing short of breathtaking.

Sheena Liam

Embroidery artist Sheena Liam hand sews images of women whose hair seems to gracefully dangle from the 2D surfaces. Lovely.