Excerpts from the 30th and final conversation Rethinking Wicked Problems (part 2), Unpacking Paradigms, Bridging Universes:
Jeff Conklin: “I agree with GK that there is an alarming pattern away from dialogue and deliberation in politics and the mainstream media, and the glorification of debate and right/wrong interaction styles in the blogsphere. But I suspect that these very patterns are waking up more and more people to the ultimately self-destructive (and ineffective) nature of dualistic thinking, and are highlighting the need for creative and more inclusive modes of thought and communication.”
Min Basadur: “I welcome Roger Martin and Rotman awakening to the potential and power of applied creativity. I view the statement by Martin that you made reference to as part of a genuine effort being made by a business school leader to become more relevant. Is there anything new there? Not really. I know that some business school leaders seem to think that “The Creative Age” just arrived last year but from our perspective that is more about creative marketing then creative reality. That is more about some business schools and their leaders arriving in the creative age then it is about the arrival of the creative age.”
GK VanPatter: “While the starting point in Design 1.0 and 2.0 was often a challenge framed by others the Design 3.0 activity space presents a radically different paradigm in that it encompasses participation and leadership on the fuzzy strategic front end, long before challenges are framed.”
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