famfamfam iconset


Head over to famfamfam and download the beautiful silk iconset.

(via extrajetzt)

10 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Awesome find, thanks!

  2. famfamfam has recently disappeared or is down temporarily. If you have downloaded the icon packs I’d be stoked if you would email them to me :)

  3. @Noah: Luckily I found a mirror (sort of) for the Silk icon set by FamFamFam:

    This has all the icons displayed, so you can download the ones you want ;)

  4. This is not the full set, it has about 700 icons while the original had 1000. I hope somebody could restore the icons from their browser cache.

  5. famfamfam is down. can you upload the icons for us to download? thank you.

  6. I have it. Think they’re all.


    Greetings fly out to all of you

  7. I have the icons, but I’d need the index-picture to select icons.. do you happen to have that anywhere?

  8. You can download the entire set or view the contents at
