Besides using my email inbox as ‘my brain’ to remember things, I also have post-it notes all over, tons of filled up notebooks, a gazillion simple text files on my computer … and so on that hold all my various types of information. Stuff like: My designer network, FTP info, meeting notes, info about photo studios, headhunter information, restaurants in NYC etc. You get the idea. There must be some smart application out there that helps you organize all that. How do YOU organize all your ‘information’?
UPDATE: Just a few minutes after posting this entry I had two readers sharing their software recommendations! (Thank you so much!) Yojimbo sounded promising so I downloaded a trial copy and played around with it for the past hour – I am in heaven! This is e-x-a-c-t-l-y what I was looking for. It comes with a 2minute intro movie which explains the key functionalities. It’s super-easy to use, with a self-explanatory interface. YAY for software downloads! Check it out: Yojimbo! (Mac only!)
I use and love Yojimbo from the magical makers of BBEdit.
I tried DevonThink first but found it a bit too feature-heavy for my liking.
My need was for something simple with virtually zero learning curve.
FYI: These are both Mac-only.
Nov 30th, 2006 / 6:26 pm
I use voo2do – – which is a free online task manager. Before that, I sometimes used backpackit – – which is also free & online, but is better for specific projects.
Nov 30th, 2006 / 8:08 pm
Looks good this yojimbo, but you forgot to mention it is mac only.
Nov 30th, 2006 / 9:59 pm
You might also want to try Voodoo pad ( before you get into Yojimbo too deep. It’s a sort of desktop wiki that allows you to create your own hierarchy / navigation / contextual links. I use it for everything. Tried yojimbo, wasn’t free style enough for me.
Dec 1st, 2006 / 1:42 am
I use spotlight.
Dec 1st, 2006 / 7:29 am
well, I use crack, but that doesn’t help me organize.
i know you designy folk think pc stands for “please crucify,” but could some generous soul give up a pc-friendly version of such an organizer?
Dec 1st, 2006 / 12:57 pm
If you really like to “organize” your Information, OmniOutliner (pro) might be the right tool:
Mac only
Dec 2nd, 2006 / 4:34 am