2months = $200


Along with the introduction of iPod touch, Apple dropped the price for the iPhone a whopping $200. Boy, would I be upset right now, had I bought an iPhone two months ago.

18 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Costs of parts have likely dropped since the price was established early this year. Apple’s likely switched to JIT manufacturing now that the initial spike in demand is appeased. And the price had to be aligned with the new iPod touch.

    That said – $200 in 2 months is huge. Some acknowledgement of the early adopters would go a long way:


  2. Thank god for AMEX price protection! I got 2, so that’s $400 hit in the gut!

  3. I DID buy an iPhone the week it came out, and I’m not upset about the price reduction. What’s $200? One dress… mayyyyyyyybe.

  4. I know. I’m feeling pretty good because i waited till today and picked up a 4GB for $300 before they ran out. I’m not as successful as Michele.

  5. I expected this slash in the price of the I-Phone, as a result of the HACKING, as I expect another slash before the Christmas shopping season begins in November!


  6. I expected this slash in the price of the I-Phone, as a result of the HACKING, as I expect another slash before the Christmas shopping season begins in November!


  7. when it’s $299 with a replaceable battery and legitimately off the AT&T network, sign me up.

  8. what Sean said, plus make it fingerprint resistant. Or better yet, get me a real keyboard like the blackberry… then maybe I’ll consider one. (ps. broken link above on the iPod Touch.)

  9. Rion, a proper keyboard doesn’t make sense being an all-touch-screen device.

    I believe the price drop means we can expect a 16GB (or something) model soon.

  10. No one forced people to buy a $600 phone.

    If people feel screwed because of the price drop, that’s their fault, not Apple’s. Apple just took advantage of the hype and knew that there were enough crazy people to pay $600, so that’s what they charged. But people just HAD to be first…

  11. That, my friends, is what you call an early adopter tax.

  12. I bought an iPhone the day it was released and I’m not a bit upset about the price drop. It’s expect, especially from Apple. Those complaining should relax and enjoy this great device. Plus the extra $200 was worth getting it early and enjoying it for the extra 2 months.

  13. Apple truly revolutionized the smartphone!
    Now it even makes you look totally silly. ;-)

  14. Who cares! It has an Aple logo on it!!!

    See you again waiting in line next year!

  15. Stefano, I don’t like the touch screen (which is the reason I wouldn’t buy the product). Hence my request for no fingerprints and a keyboard!

  16. Don’t forget Apple gives you 100.- credit. So you ended up paying 100.- for the privilege of having an iPhone for 2 months. Works for me!

  17. now waht, $100 store credit?

    Go back to apple store and spend more money after lost $200, ha… very nice…