Casa swissmiss has a new gadget: *drumroll* Dirt Devil Kone. I read all the reviews on amazon
before purchasing and was curious to see if some of those bad reviews had any solid ground. Now, that I’ve owned the Kone for a good week I am just shaking my head at some of the comments in disbelief. This little beauty of a hand vacuum is working like a charm. It’s loud yes, but all small vacuums are. It’s powerful, beautiful to look at (!!) and it serves as a nightlight. A vacuum that serves as a night light, what an idea! I am actually chuckling typing this. Can you tell I am completely in love with this product?
“Hi, my name is Tina, I am in love with a cordless hand vacuum!” “Hi, Tina!”
sheesh, i dont think it is THAT attractive… i guess i’m one of the few who doesnt like having all these small appliances on display. it would feel weird having this thing sitting out all the time. ah well.
Mar 7th, 2008 / 3:44 pm
It’s a low-profile item, I think. I don’t like having appliances on display in general, but this is so nice to have. I bought one for each floor, and it’s really a great little item, not necessarily to be displayed, but still nice to see if sighted in the corner anyway!
Mar 7th, 2008 / 3:59 pm
i agree. it looks great ( as opposed to having a stand up vacuum sitting in the corner ) and also doubles as a night light. strong, too!
Mar 7th, 2008 / 4:15 pm
i’ve wanted one for a long time and was quite discouraged by all the negative comments on amazon too. i finally had a chance to try one out at bed bath & beyond recently and my impression was that the fan blew dirt and dustbunnies around quite a lot. this was in the store, so i don’t know how it would perform at home, but i didn’t end up buying it because of that and because it is considerably louder than my portable corded vacuum (which i was hoping to replace with the kone.)
Mar 7th, 2008 / 6:32 pm
thats a whole lot better looking than many handhelds out there.
i will have to check it out
Mar 7th, 2008 / 6:53 pm
Good to get your recco.
If I bought one for the bunnies’ room, I’d have to paint a gnome face and outfit on it…
Mar 7th, 2008 / 7:03 pm
Oh no! So sad to hear that you bought this clunker. Like everything that design fraudster Karim Rashid designs, this thing is nothing but bad engineering in a too-slick package. Once again, Rashid has designed an eco-unfriendly plastic look-at-me product with horrid anthropometrics and questionable functionality. Hopefully you kept the receipt!
Mar 7th, 2008 / 8:21 pm
I haven’t looked at the Amazon reviews, but I think people are expecting this to be a high-suction Dirt Devil. It’s really just for little stuff like crumbs and pet hair. Since it’s out all the time, it’s always available for those, “Oh, hell – someone’s at the door, and I just saw a cat hair tumbleweed” moments. I love mine.
Mar 7th, 2008 / 10:49 pm
I need that so bad. It’s so clean looking. Makes me want to vacuum up invisible messes.
Mar 9th, 2008 / 8:24 pm
Elle: I agree, like the awful GARBINO trash can he designed? It falls over so easily and the wide open top is so ugly when there is any trash in it.
Mar 9th, 2008 / 9:29 pm
I have three of these and love them.
Mar 9th, 2008 / 9:38 pm
I had to have one of these as well. While it looks great, I find it a tad underpowered….
Mar 10th, 2008 / 12:54 am
looks like apple made it :)
Mar 10th, 2008 / 7:09 pm
I’m also in love… ahh!
Mar 25th, 2008 / 6:32 pm
Wow, it looks like a Sci-Fi vacuum!
Jun 20th, 2008 / 4:14 am
Can that little thing actually vacuum something? It just looks to small…
Jun 20th, 2008 / 4:17 am