I am delighted to announce this week’s RSS Feed sponsor, Polarn O. Pyret. I have posted many of their stylish kid’s clothing items before, for example this Button Down Shirt or the irresistible Ladybug Onesie.
Polarn O. Pyret is Sweden’s leading and most beloved children’s wear brand, known for their love for stripes. (One of my favorite gifts to buy for little ones: Classic Stripe Moccasin.)
While PO.P has only been available in the US for a year, it’s been a Swedish household name for 34 years. The design-driven timelessness of the brand makes it possible to collect pieces for the next child or the next generation. Pattern designs have always been very important for Polarn O. Pyret. Their Landscape prints, where the print covers the entire garment, have become an annual tradition since 2005. This season they have some fun ones depicting Swedish tradition.
And of course, by being Swedish, they believe children should play outside no matter what the weather. “There’s no bad weather, only bad clothing.” So they make some of the best outerwear for children which allows them to be dry and warm and still have a blast at the park. (Check out these awesome Rain Pants!)
The Polar O. Pyret team cannot wait to meet their customers as they open their first set of stores later this year in the NY area. (swissmiss can’t wait to set foot in one of them!)
Polar O. Pyret is offering all swissmiss readers 20% off until Sunday March 14th with code SWISSPOP.
Yay for stripes! Yay for Polarn O. Pyret!