pete’s animal drawing gallery


My fabulous ‘long distance roomate’ BB uploaded a new set to her flickr account: “Pete’s Animal Drawing Gallery”. Check it out, it’s hilarious, even if you don’t know Pete or any of the Hans Dodge Guys.

“Pete, a co-worker, has made animal drawings for his cubicle neighbors for the last year or so. Every new one has brought immeasurable happiness to our little work family. Pete’s leaving us now, so we gathered and critiqued the entire collection. “

Pete’s Animal Drawing Gallery

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  1. Thank you for sharing Pete’s squiggly-pen love with the world. We went out for Pete’s going away party last night, and he laughed so hard he cried every time he looked at the booklet. Our Pete’s a good lad. Bless ‘im. He’s off to Denver now for a new job – I’ll have to add a picture of him to the set so everyone can say hi if they ever run across him…