home sweet home


My fabulous sister just sent me these two pictures – my heart just got all warm and fuzzy: It’s the town in Switzerland (Speicher) I grew up in (and where my sister still lives). It’s been a beautiful winter day over there on sunday and my sister made sure to capture it. (Click on the image to see a bigger view.)

On the image on the left, you can make out the skilift where I would spend all my afternoons and evenings (yes, evenings) as a kid skiing/snowboarding. And you can even make out the roof of my dad’s house, the red one, in the center of the image, right before the forest.

Thanks for sharing Sis!

4 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Hey, ich wusste echt nicht dass du aus der Gegend um St.Gallen kommst! fantastisch! Ich war gestern auf dem Säntis, kann dir sagen: Es war fantastisch!!!

  2. Klar doch, bin eine Appenzellerin!

  3. oooooh. i want to live there!!!!!
    thanks for sharing, mav