New Habits – Instead of Scrolling

The news cycle is already getting to my heart. It’s not even been 24h.

It’s time to protect my mental health. First step will be to curb the information I consume and how much time I spend on Instagram, Twitter and Threads.

I *loooooove* the internet. I have made countless friends and meaningful connections here. Yet, the current version of these digital gardens is hurting my mental health.

Here is my honest attempt to curb the time I spend mindlessly scrolling and instead create new habits.

Here’s a growing list of things I’ll try to do instead:

1. Grab a book

2. Text or call a loved one

3. Pull up a random Wikipedia page

4. Listen to an audiobook

5. Read a poem

6. Play a soothing game on my phone

7. Do a brief meditation and check in with my heart

8. Pet my dog

9. Go for a brisk quick walk

10. Do 5 squats (yeah right)

11. ________ <— your suggestion here

An Old New House

Reposting this personal story from my Instagram Account as this resonated with so many of my followers.

Last month marked the anniversary of our adoption of a truly magical house. Her name is Finne.

She was built in the 1830s and from what we know was a loving and communal home to families in Salem NY. Then, a gentleman lovingly took her apart, piece by piece, labeling every beam and creating detailed instructions on how to rebuild her.

He listed her on Craigslist, hoping to find someone who will bring her back to life. He did. Cue Hudson Valley based builders Bex and Dave.

They drove their truck up and moved her three hours south. They schemed her rebirth and eventually started pouring her a foundation. They then poured a tremendous amount of love into her, expanding her original footprint. A year later they listed her for adoption, mid October of 2023.

That night, I was out for dinner with Tim and happened to see the listing pop up.

Just a few days earlier, I made the intention to buy a house upstate that could hold all of our grown-ish children and be a physical manifestation of our love. There she was!

I saw photos of Finne and gasped. I slid the phone over to Tim and he started reading the history of the house. Then he gasped.

The next day we were the first ones to see her. Before walking in, I told ‘my team up there’ that if this was my house, there better be a clear sign.

We walked in and were taken aback by Finne’s beauty. The original old wooden floors, stairs, exposed beams and extremely tasteful designed details all around.

We sat in the staircase for an hour, talking about life with the broker. On my final walk through of the house, I noticed a book on the nightstand, that was put there by the person who staged the house, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. It’s one of my all time favorite books and I had started reading it for the 5th time two days prior. I chuckled. I hear you universe. I hear you loud and clear.

After a sleepless night, I spent a ridiculously long time writing a heartfelt offer letter to the sellers. Their broker responded with “Thanks. We have 6 showings this weekend and it will go to the highest bidder!”

My heart sank. I knew I could not participate in a bidding war. And I accepted the fact this might have been it. Onward!

The next morning, the weekend of the 6 showings, my broker calls me and said “The owners just read your letter and canceled all the showings. They accepted your offer and your application for neighborly friendship!”

Gasp! Tears were shed.

Fast forward legal schmegal. We closed on the house on 12/13/23 and have called her our home ever since.

Finne is gentle and majestic. She is wise but also silly. She loves to host and wrap guests in her warm energy. (Yes, houses have personality/soul!)

We love her so. But the biggest score of all is that we now call the humans who lovingly brought her back to life, Bex and Dave, our friends and neighbors.

The end.

This Energy for 2025

Instead of my traditional start-of-the-year-birthday-intentions-post, I bring you this girl. May we all channel her energy and confidence in 2025.

(My intentions post for 2024 and 2023)

A Side of Tea and Poetry

What a time to be alive and 18! My daughter Ella just self-published her first poetry book. You can read her poetry over at and if you enjoy it, support this young poet by buying a copy of her book. What other young poets should be on my radar?

Let’s Bring the Blog-Roll Back

Wow, this post over on Threads struck a nerve. Haven’t gotten that many comments ever on Threads. So, let’s do it, let’s bring the good old blog-roll back. If you’re still tending to an online garden out of sheer joy of sharing, drop your link as a comment!

Adobe – In The Making

Thank you Adobe for this wonderful opportunity to talk about my biggest labor of love CreativeMornings and what we are building. Psst… we are prototyping a new offering, called Clubs. For now only in NYC, but soon coming to a city near you.

Reporting Live from the Swiss Alps

This little family is on its yearly pilgrimage to the Swiss Alps. Our days consist of: Hugging family, joyously eating bread, dancing in yoghurt aisles, swimming in all of the beautiful outdoor swimming places, and petting cows. You can follow along over here on Instagram if you want.

Monstera Fruit

I am a big fan of Monstera Deliciosa. (Funny: it’s also called the Swiss cheese plant.) This is the one I have been growing in my bedroom for the last 9 years.

And just now, I stumbled upon the below video and was amazed to learn that it grows fruit, when growing in the wild. (This video is helpful, if you want to grow a big beautiful Monstera)

Come work with me!

Come work with me! My global labor of love, CreativeMornings is hiring a Brooklyn based General Manager. This is an opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the CreativeMornings universe and make an impact on the lives of thousands of creative humans all around the world. You’d be working closely with me. This role calls for a highly operational, heart-centered, deeply thoughtful, grounded human.


Yesterday was big: Happy my 50th birthday to you! Here are a few of my intentions for the new year:

– Keep slowing down. (Notice how everything’s still happening? Nothing is breaking.)

– Remember to stay open. (Whatever you do, don’t close. If your body wants to close, lean into curiosity.)

– Notice what you’re noticing. (Embrace being fully present. Gently notice when I am not. Redirect.)

– Feel that!? (It’s the universe holding you. Say thank you!)

– Ask yourself: What if it was easy (Recognize openings and moments of ease.)

– Experiencing a hard moment? Instead of getting frustrated lean into: “Huh, isn’t that interesting!?” (Life bumps are your teachers.)

– You’re never stuck. (A belief is a thought we keep on thinking. You can change your thoughts.)

– See beauty in everything. (The magic is in you!)

– Declutter. (Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.)

– Say what you need. (People will still love you.)

– Talk to your plants and your house. (They can hear you!)

– Invest in linen sheets! (Celebrate and love on the things you own!)

– Truth always expands. (Pay attention to your body’s reactions to things.)

– Love is real. (It starts with you. Never withhold love.)

– Always follow the excitement! (Fun is a plenty good reason to do something, even in business.)

– Gently hold yourself to a high standard. (Always add that extra layer of love.)

– Soften even more. (You have to soften to receive!)

– Dance. (Look for disco balls. And, hang a few yourself.)

– Keep expecting miracles.

Thank you for visiting my digital garden. I haven’t been posting as much as I’d like to recently. But, I am still here! Sending you love from Brooklyn!

On Bringing People Together

The wonderful Madeleine Dore interviewed me for her podcast/newsletter A Social Life with Friends. You can listen to it on Spotify or Apple iTunes. And you can read her Substack post here.

I love love love love how Madeleine shows up in the world – her thoughtfulness – the sparkles she sends out into the world with all of her projects.

Waving From Switzerland

Posting has been light as I am currently on my yearly pilgrimage to the Swiss Alps with my kids. The scene above is what I am currently seeing and hearing outside our 200+ old farmhouse Airbnb in the Appenzeller mountains. (Cowbells are real!) You can follow our journey along on my Instagram and especially this story

Yours Truly on How I Built This

Have you ever dreamt of something really big? So big you felt it could only happen in 5-10y? (If at all!) And then, BOOM it’s reality and the universe giggles and whispers “naaah, you’re ready”!


It has been my secret dream to be on How I Built This, to have CreativeMornings one day be recognized for the completely magical, radically generous, collectively powerful, heart-centered organization it is.

The episode came out yesterday. I am swimming in a sauce of gratitude for anyone who has attended, contributed, supported, loved on CreativeMornings. As Thich Nhat Hanh said: “The next Buddha will not take on any individual form. Maybe he will take the form of a Sangha, a community practicing understanding and loving kindness…”

Two Years of No Alcohol

Today marks two years of not drinking.

A few things I noticed:

– our society revolves around drinking

– not enough bars and restaurants offer non-alcoholic beers or mocktails

– being fully present is a gift

– sleeping well is a game changer

– sitting with your feelings instead of numbing them is a journey

– some people get triggered when they hear I don’t drink. I had to learn its not my job to make them feel comfortable.

– sober dating is different. Still getting used to it.

– I sometimes miss enjoying a glass of wine with friends. Its ok.

– the addiction will try to find other outlets (overworking, shopping, sport….)

– grateful for friends and family who support and respect my decision

Happy my two year non-drinking anniversary to you!

2023 Intentions

My birthday and the new year coincide which always results in a reflection tornado. Here goes:


– More firsts!
– Embrace softness.
– Be open to love.
– Believe in (my) magic.
– Dream bigger.
– Keep asking: “What if it was easy?”
– Listen to my inner whispers.
– More speaking up, setting boundaries, lovingly.
– Recognize openings and moments of ease.
– Pay attention to when I am happy. Repeat those moments and dial them up to 11!
– Notice when the universe is cheering me on.
– No assumptions. (Ask more questions.)
– Keep building things that make the world better in 100 years.
– Gently notice when I am not fully present. Redirect.
– When my body contracts and my heart wants to close, breathe, stay open, lean in with curiosity.
– Live with a sense of giving not taking: Regularly ask: Would I miss ____ if it was gone? What am I doing to help ____ exist and thrive?
– Don’t push the river. Don’t try to hold it back. Flow.
– Embrace and trust standing on collaborative shoulders.
– Seek out rooms filled with gentle strangers.
– Be brave. (Growth happens on the edge of discomfort.)
– Notice and celebrate what’s working.
– See beauty in everything.
– Never withhold love.
– Dance with the universe.


– Everything is alive.
– The universe is friendly.
– Time is an illusion.
– Energy is visible.
– Fear is absence of love.
– I am exactly where I need to be.
– We are put on earth to love.
– Clarity is your friend. Interpret mixed signals as a no.
– A belief is a thought you keep thinking. (You can change it.)
– Love, joy and peace are deep and pure states of being. (Notice them!)
– Another world is possible.
– We are here to transform, not win.
– It takes courage to be kind and have a positive outlook in life.
– Money is energy.
– Dreamers shift norm and possibility.
– My humanity is caught up with your humanity.
– Safety is the presence of connection.
– Vulnerability is a door to deeper connection.
– Everything is figureoutable.
– Love starts with me.
– Trust breeds magic.
– Our life is our way home.

Happy my (Jan 2) birthday to you. And happy 2023! Thank you for visiting this little internet garden of mine.

Featured on Time Sensitive Podcast

I am feeling honored and a bit nervous sharing this interview of yours truly featured on the remarkably thoughtful Time Sensitive Podcast, a labor of love by Spencer Bailey and Andrew Zuckerman. (I originally met Andrew because he has been reading my blog for years.) They are two deeply thoughtful and smart humans nurturing deep conversations. Grateful to have been invited and been allowed to share where my heart and I are at in this moment in time in 2022. You can listen to and also read the interview here.

Connection on A Global Scale

Deeply moved by this thorough and generous article on the magic of CreativeMornings, my biggest labor of love.

In case you’re not familiar with CreativeMornings: It’s the world’s largest face-to-face creative community. You can attend events in 225 cities every month or tune into our free digital FieldTrips (aka workshops) online.

Shall We Talk about Dating Apps?

Yesterday I posted ideas on how to meet a romantic partner, outside of soul-sucking dating apps. Here is my post on Instagram. 2,830 likes and 261 comments later it’s clear this hit a nerve. Reposting it here with some resources my readers shared:

Can we talk about dating apps? Yeah, let’s not.

I can’t help but think there has to be a less soul-sucking way to meet someone!?

– what if we all tried to level up as friends and played matchmaker once a month?

– what if the dogpark had an unofficial singles section?

– what if there was a piece of clothing/accessory that indicates someone is single and open to meeting someone?

– what if friend groups pull together and create a database with their most awesome single friends and write a pitch about them?

– what if the first train on any subway train is only for singles?

– what if in giant high-rise buildings certain elevators are reserved for singles

– what if we organized events where everyone who is invited is single but nobody knows they are attending an undercover singles event. (And the group is recommended by friends aka vetted.) @hugc, @lessthanamazing and I organized such an event a few years back. Should I bring it back?)

– what if there was an event where people made presentations on their single friends. “PYF” (Pitch Your Friend)

– coffee shops have differently colored coffee cup lids for singles

– once a month singles dress monochromatically, all red for the day. (Gaaaah sooo fun!)

(Granted some of these ideas could possibly be very awkward. But ideas beget ideas!)

Do you have ideas to add or have you met your partner in an unexpected, fun way? Please share!

In the comments I learned that:

Apparently in Norway when you go hiking in the mountains, green buffs or hats mean you are single, and red mean you are in a relationship. SO GOOD!

In Bavaria, Germany, it all comes down to how you tie your bow on your Dirndl that indicates if you’re married, taken, single or even widowed.

Dating services, events some of my readers shared:

Meet The Otter
Paired by the People
You Should Date

Have an interesting story on how you met your partner? Have additional ideas to add to the above list? Comment below!

Some Big Personal News

11 years ago I launched Tattly as a fun side project.

The goal? Create high-quality temporary tattoos, designed by professional artists.

Little did I know this lighthearted idea would grow into a healthy business, shipping millions of tattoos around the world.

Since July of 2011, Tattly has catapulted joy and good art into the world, paid our artists over $1.5M in artist royalties, employed over 45+ fine humans, moved three times, attended countless trade shows, appeared on national TV, got featured in the NYTimes, handed out tattoos at the White House Easter Egg Roll under president Obama, collaborated with brands such as NPR, VOGUE, National Gallery, Sesame Street and Starbucks, ran a ‘temporary temporary tattoo parlor’, and licensed art from over 120 artists.

It’s been an eventful ride.

Tattly taught me about margins, the world of wholesale, what it means to ship products globally, how to source manufacturers… but most of all: Tattly taught me that it can be advantageous to fall into an industry you know nothing about. I showed up with zero limiting beliefs, just a whole lot of enthusiasm and willingness to learn.

And then 2020 happened.

Like for so many other bootstrapped, wholesale focused businesses, the pandemic has been brutal. During the NYC lockdown, in an attempt to save the business, I had to personally learn how to ship our orders. For months I would go into our deserted office, pack up the orders and carry them to the post office. It was a lot.

I admit I was on the brink of giving up. More than once.

Carolyn Andrews, our fearless CEO, was one of the people who would consistently remind me of what this mighty little brand brings to the world: We celebrate art, financially support artists, spread joy, champion inclusivity and allow the world to self-express and pretend. Pretending is fun. And boy does this world need more fun.

Over the past two years, I gained clarity: I want Tattly to grow, support more artists and bring smiles and lightness to more corners of the world.

Today I am proud to announce that Tattly has been adopted by the BIC family and is entering its next, expansive brand chapter.

BIC is a family-controlled company started in 1945 by Marcel Bich. Its founding product, the iconic BIC Cristal® pen, kickstarted a revolution that democratized handwriting and provided the world with an accessible medium for artistic self-expression.

Today, BIC is a leading global provider of many essential items. The company’s vision to bring simplicity and joy to everyday life is realized daily through the sale of more than 30 million products in 160 countries. This ability to touch the lives of billions of people in such a meaningful way, to me, is extraordinary.

Am I nervous about putting Tattly in the hands of such a giant company? Yes! Of course!

Am I ‘anxcited’ about the months ahead? Yes, of course!

Am I excited for the expertise, manufacturing and financial resources BIC will be able to provide to strengthen the mission and scale of Tattly? Absolutely!

There is so much possibility ahead!

And, a lot will stay the same:

Tattly remains women-led, Brooklyn based and will always champion artists. Tattly’s brand ethos will be untouched. Our artist community will continue to flourish, as BIC shares our deep respect for creatives. While my role becomes more advisory, I’ll still be involved with the overall creative vision.

I don’t make a decision like this lightly. My close friends know it’s been a tremendously long journey for me to feel ready to set Tattly free. I am proud of how far my team and I have been able to take this gem of a company. Tattly is a true labor of love, bootstrapped, infused with a tremendous amount of care and enthusiasm by 45+ team members over the course of 11 years. Each one of them left a mark.

I trust BIC will honor our past 11 years and honor the essence of Tattly.

I trust BIC will teach her new things, I wasn’t able to.

I can’t wait to see what she’ll grow into.

I love you, Tattly.


Shattered Glass

Last week was unusually ‘full’. I had no brain space to post here. I can’t remember the last time that happened other than after my kids were born.

And then, as I was swinging from one to-do-item-vine to the next, running from lots of Zoom meetings filled with men wearing blue shirts and khaki pants, my giant glass patio door shattered.


It was a startling moment.

It was mesmerizing to hear the glass crackle for a good 10-15minutes before it eventually settled in its broken beauty.

What’s the lesson of this all?

– Check for rocks in your lawn before mowing the lawn, fellow homeowners!

– There is beauty in the breakdown.

– ….. what else?

HandsOn Animal Gloves

I didn’t enjoy brushing my dog with a regular dog brush. I started digging around on the internet hoping someone invented something better: HandsOn Animal Gloves. My dog LOVES when I brush her with these! (Yes, they look hideous.)

A Wanderful Conversation

This is most likely my favorite podcast I ever had the honor to be on. (I love David and the magic he brings to the world with his labor of love Street Wisdom.)

This Corner on The Internet Turns 17 Today!

17 years ago today I started publishing on here with this post. Somehow I am still standing. 18,679 posts in. Still enjoying it. Thank you for visiting my little garden on the internet. I appreciate you stopping by.

Happy my blog birthday to you!

Here’s to 2022

Daphne Kladis

New year and another trip around the sun. Hey 2022, here’s to:

– more parties in the heart
– more listening. Less talking
– being ok with being misunderstood
– spending time with expansive humans
– staying open
– more dancing
– long walks
– petting dogs
– BELIEVE (Ted Lasso style)
– less sugar
– remembering that fear is the absence of love
– remembering to interpret mixed signals as a no
– continue to gently recognize my limiting beliefs
– trusting that inner whisper
– sprinkle fun and good vibes
– be intentional about rituals / traditions (create new ones)
– notice when the universe is cheering me on
– no more overwatering plants
– notice and celebrate what’s working
– clarity
– recognize when I am swimming upstream and swiflty turning around
– write my book (at least start)
– being open to love

Whispers: Thank you for visiting my garden on the internet. I appreciate you stopping by.