smart mouse trap

Greenfeet_1876_17412401_1This humane trap effectively catches mice without poison allowing them to be released unharmed far, far away. This is an effective, patented mouse catcher. It comes with a booklet called “Trapping Smart Mice and Mouseproofing Your Home”

Smart Mouse Trap.

(found via chrisglass)

3 Comments leave a comment below

  1. used one of these last year
    mice are pretty smart but did manage to catch one of two or more
    let him out in my backyard to strains of “born free”

  2. used one of these last year
    mice do not suffer fools
    caught on of two or more
    let him go in backyard to strains of “born free”

  3. You better take him farther than your back yard. LOL. I have caught a few. I usually have to sweeten the pot by putting a piece of chocolate in the trap to get them in.